Association policy against bullying and drugs for Equmenia Anderstorp
Equmenia Anderstorp definition of drugs and bullying:
By drug we mean a substance that is addictive or has an intoxicating effect. Ex. on drugs by our definition are alcohol, drugs and tobacco!
We also do not allow energy drinks
By bullying we mean when someone or someone is subjected to abusive treatment through physical or psychological violence.
Equmenia Anderstorp intends to:
Offer children and young people the opportunity to participate in work that is completely drug-free.
Inform about the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs.
Actively be aware of any. bullying that can occur in the groups that meet in the association’s activities!
Actively work to postpone the alcohol debut for those who participate in Equmenia’s events.
Update – inform about bullying and its impact on the individual’s situation.
Ensure that events where the association is responsible always offer a drug-free environment, both at children and youth gatherings and at leadership gatherings.
Equmenia Anderstorp wants:
Be a part of the society we live in and actively seek to counteract alcohol and drug abuse among children and young people
Train your leaders to better detect signs and symptoms when something is not right!
Take measures in the event of problems arising regarding drugs and bullying, through conversations with those concerned, parental contact and, if necessary, seek outside help for help and consultation.
Be an example as an association through our way of being towards each other as leaders and towards the children and young people who come to us. Ex. by making every individual who participates in the association’s activities feel that they have a place in the community
We want to counteract favoritism by giving everyone the same opportunity to participate in our activities.
Follow up the policy by updating the issues recurring at annual meetings and at association meetings where we discuss and increase our knowledge about the issues of drugs and bullying.
Disseminate information about our policy by distributing it to all leaders and sending it along with the membership payment slip that is sent home to those who participate in our activities.
Traffic policy for Equmenia Anderstorp, adopted at the annual meeting on 1-2 February 2015
Equmenia Anderstorp’s starting point is the zero vision (that no one should die or be seriously injured in traffic)
Equmenia Anderstorp requires that the driver is alcohol and drug free and holds a driving license
All transport in connection with the association’s activities must take place with traffic-safe means of transport and comply with current traffic regulations
We train leaders and those active in road safety
In cases where it is possible, we travel by public transport, if a bus company is hired, this must be affiliated with the Swedish Bus Industry Association (BR) and comply with its rules and policies
Equmenia Anderstorp draws up a list of responsible leaders with contact information. The list is left to the parents, so that they can get in touch with the leaders in the event of an accident.
Equmenia Anderstorp draws up a list of the parents of the active people, so that they can easily get in touch with the parents in the event of an accident.
We disseminate information about the traffic policy at annual meetings, association meetings and leadership meetings.